
Structure Fire 07/23/2017

Structure Fire; 10:44PM; 7624 N Winnetka Av;; Winnetka; NOW OUT - No longer an active incident: 47 FF took 20 minutes to extinguish a single story auto shop with heavy smoke showing. Additional resources were requested and released upon knockdown, prior to being arriving at / engaging in the incident. No injuries reported. Cause / loss TBD No Further Details LAFD Inc#1565; FS 104; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; E72 RA72 E104 RA104 E273 T73 E106 E296 T96 BC17 BC15 E293 T93 RA73 E305 T105 E93 E103 CM42 EM15 EM9 BC10 UR88 T89 E289 UR89 E27 HR3 BC14 E107 ; CH9; 17,18; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 07/24/2017

Structure Fire; 02:04AM; 10235 N Glenoaks Bl;; Pacoima; NOW OUT: 26 firefighters extinguished a car fire in a body shop in 22 minutes. The shop is located in a row of 1 story commercial units. No injuries reported. Cause / loss TBD. No further details. LAFD Inc#0100; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 E289 E298 E77 E98 RA898 RA98 T89 T98 ; CH9; 17; Margaret Stewart
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Update Structure Fire 07/23/2017

Update Structure Fire; 12:56PM; 520 W 93rd St; internal:/; South Los Angeles; KNOCKDOWN: 36 FF in 15 mins. Occupancy appears to be a vacant auto shop. No injuries reported. Cause TBD.. No further details. ; FS 64; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 07/23/2017

Structure Fire; 12:41PM; 520 W 93rd St;; South Los Angeles; #VERMONTVISTA Vacant one story market with fire showing with a 2 story building on the north side exposed to the fire. LAFD Inc#0711; FS 64; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; BC13 E221 E233 E264 E57 E64 E66 RA64 RA864 T21 T33 T64 ; CH7; 12; Margaret Stewart
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NOW OUT - Fire 07/22/2017

NOW OUT - Fire; 11:03PM; Lopez Canyon Landfill;; Sylmar; Contents and machinery of large mulch recycling hopper ablaze; Fire held in check by first arriving LACoFD units responding in Automatic Aid, with full extinguishment by 30 LAFD personnel in 63 minutes (12:06 AM on July 23); No injury; No structure; No vegetation; Cause/Loss TBD; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; Dispatched LAFD Units: E98 E298 T98 RA898 RA98 E24 E91 E274 T74 BC12 E90 H1 T90 E290 WT77 + LACoFD; CH: 8; 12; - Brian Humphrey
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 07/22/2017

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; 11:37PM; 20851 Sherman Wy; internal:/; Winnetka; 101 FF's took 36 min; They skilfully confined an intense fire to a one story 4,452 square foot, four tenant commercial building on the northeast corner of Sherman Way and De Soto Avenue; No injury; Cause/Loss TBD; NFD; Dispatched Units: E72 E104 RA104 E84 RA84 E305 T105 E273 T73 BC17 BC15 E106 E296 T96 E293 E93 T93 CM42 EM17 BC10 T88 E288 UR88 E89 UR89 RA89 HR3 BC14 E105 E260 T60 E87 BC9 EA1; - Brian Humphrey
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Structure Fire 07/22/2017

Structure Fire; 11:01PM; 20851 Sherman Wy;; Winnetka; 1 story four unit strip mall with heavy fire; Defensive operations; FS 72; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; CH: 9; 17,18; - Brian Humphrey
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KNOCKDOWN Vegetation Fire 07/22/2017

KNOCKDOWN Vegetation Fire; 06:30PM; 2300 Western Canyon Rd; internal:/; #GriffithPark; First arriving 12 LAFD ground-based personnel held flames to 625 sq ft (0.14 acres) of vegetation, extinguishing flames in just 17 minutes; No injury; No structure; Cause TBD; Dispatched LAFD Units: E82 E235 T35 E482 RA35 E52 E227 T27 E56 E76 E90 EM11 BC5 BC11 H1 H4 E41 + LACoFD + Park Rangers; - Brian Humphrey
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Vegetation Fire 07/22/2017

Vegetation Fire; 06:13PM; 2300 Western Canyon Rd;; #GriffithPark; PRELIM: Less than one-quarter acre brush burning uphill; Topography driven; No wind; No structure threat; FS 82; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; CH: 5; 13; - Brian Humphrey
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Update Water Rescue 07/22/2017

Update Water Rescue; 05:45PM; Port of Los Angeles - Berth 46; internal:/; San Pedro; One adult male SCUBA diver in undetermined medical condition is now being transported by LAFD air ambulance to the USC Hyperbaric Chamber on Catalina Island following an unspecified dive related emergency; NFD (No Further Details); Dispatched Units: E248 E48 T48 RA112 EM11 BC6 E112 BT2 E40 T90 E290 H1 H5 BT3; - Brian Humphrey
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