
Update Structure Fire 05/12/2018

Update Structure Fire; 08:47PM; 1000 S Maple Av; internal:/; #DTLA KNOCKDOWN 48 FF in 11 mins contained fire to the isolated storage shed. No injuries reported. Cause and $ loss TBD No Further Details; FS 9; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 05/12/2018

Structure Fire; 08:36PM; 1000 S Maple Av;; #DTLA Row of commercial units with concrete parking garage above. Fire showing on roof reported to be an isolated storage shed. LAFD Inc#1302; FS 9; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 E10 E17 E203 E209 E210 E3 E9 RA21 RA809 SQ21 T10 T3 T9; CH9; 12; Margaret Stewart
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Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 05/11/2018

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; 12:44PM; 1500 N STADIUM WY; internal:/; Elysian Park; 26 LAFD Firefighters extinguished the flames on the first floor of a two story home in just 15 minutes; No reported injuries; Cause/ Loss TBD; LAFD Inc #684; FS 1; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; E201 T1 RA1 E2 E220 T20 RA820 E44 BC1 ; Amy Bastman
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Structure Fire 05/11/2018

Structure Fire; 12:44PM; 1500 N STADIUM WY;; Elysian Park; One story home with fire showing; LAFD Inc #684; FS 1; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; CH: 9; 12; Amy Bastman
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KNOCKDOWN Vegetation Fire 05/10/2018

KNOCKDOWN Vegetation Fire; 02:51PM; 18860 Ringling St; internal:/; 40 LAFD ground personnel confined the fire to one acre of grass, fully extinguishing flames in just 26 minutes; No injury; No structures; No damage to nearby high voltage power lines; Fire cause under investigation; Dispatched LAFD Units: E93 T93 E293 RA93 E273 T73 RA873 E473 BC17 H2 T90 E290 E83 BC15 E104; - Brian Humphrey
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Vegetation Fire 05/10/2018

Vegetation Fire; 02:25PM; 18860 Ringling St;; Tarzana; PRELIM: LAFD ground response to less than one acre of grass burning, threatening a wooden fence only; No imminent structure threat; No evacuation; FS 93; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; CH: 9; 17; - Brian Humphrey
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Update Traffic Collision 05/10/2018

Update Traffic Collision; 09:00AM; 13706 La Maida St; internal:/; Two sedans, each with an adult female driver (sole occupant), collided at the intersection, with one vehicle leaving the roadway, entering (about 2 feet?) and damaging a one-story home on the southwest corner of Woodman Avenue and La Maida Street; Unk if home was occupied at time; No resident injury; Thanks to their proper use of seat belts, each motorist sustained only minor injuries; They were taken by LAFD ambulance to area hospitals in good condition; Dept of Building & Safety is en route (unk ETA) to inspect the 2,439 square foot home (built 1948) to determine if tenable; Media Inquiries: LAPD Valley Traffic Incident #1227; Dispatched Units: RA102 E239 T39 E288 E88 T88 E39 RA88 HR3 EM14 BC14 UR88 E102 RA878; - Brian Humphrey
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Traffic Collision 05/10/2018

Traffic Collision; 08:07AM; 13706 La Maida St;; Sherman Oaks; PRELIM: Two vehicle collision with one vehicle into a house; ; FS 102; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; CH: 8; 17; - Brian Humphrey
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Multi Patient - Medical Incident 05/10/2018

Multi Patient - Medical Incident; 12:28AM; 11500 block Garrick Av;; #LakeViewTerrace; PRELIM: Four adult males discovered unconscious inside a residence after apparent contact with unknown substance; All four taken to an area hospital by ambulance; Unk ages/conditions/affiliation/circumstances; No further LAFD details available; Media Inquiries: LAPD Foothill Incident #113; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; Dispatched Units: T98 E298 RA77 RA74 RA7 EM15 BC12 E98 E24 RA98 RA898; CH: 8; 17; - Brian Humphrey
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Update Rescue 05/08/2018

Update Rescue; 02:38PM; 10350 Clybourn Av; internal:/; #ShadowHills; The horse, named "Misty", was sedated and safely placed into an Anderson Sling by Dept of Animal Services SMART (specialized animal rescue team) with the help of LAFD ground personnel; The closest available hoist helicopter (from 2 miles away at Barton Heliport) proved to be the Los Angeles County Fire Department's copter 18, which expertly performed a sling hoist with "short haul" transfer of the equine to a nearby point of safety, where the owner will regain care for the animal, which appears to be uninjured; Dispatched LAFD Units: E77 RA77 E24 E274 T74 HR3 E98 RA89 EM12 BC12 UR88 // Dispatched LACoFD Units: H18 BC4; - Brian Humphrey
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