
Update Structure Fire 12/23/2017

Update Structure Fire; 08:50PM; 7640 N Oso Av; internal:/; Winnetka; KNOCKDOWN: 36 FF in 27 mins. Fire contained to one unit on the 1st floor. No reported injuries. Cause and $ loss TBD. No Further details; FS 104; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 12/23/2017

Structure Fire; 08:23PM; 7640 N Oso Av;; Winnetka; 3 story apartments over parking with fire in one unit LAFD Inc#1348; FS 104; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC15 BC17 E103 E104 E106 E273 E296 E84 RA104 RA106 T73 T96 ; CH9; 17; Margaret Stewart
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Update Hazmat 12/23/2017

Update Hazmat; 04:26PM; 11321 W Goss St; internal:/; Sun Valley; Situation is now static. The product identified as iron sulfateheptahydrate which was being used in conjunction with a cleaning process. All hazards have been mitigated and no patients transported. LAFD resources will recover equipment and begin releasing. LA County Health still remains on the incident and any further questions directed to them. ; FS 77; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; Margaret Stewart
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Update Hazmat 12/23/2017

Update Hazmat; 03:22PM; 11321 W Goss St; internal:/; Sun Valley; LAFD front loader will deliver sand to put in place and mitigate leak run off outside structure (protecting watershed). Approximately 15 people evacuated from neighboring businesses / home (1) with only very minor complaints from at least 1 patient. No transports yet required. Road closures include Penrose x San Fernando, Dora x San Fernando, Goss x Tujunga and Tujunga to Strathern at least partially closed. ; FS 77; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; Margaret Stewart
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Update Hazmat 12/23/2017

Update Hazmat; 02:38PM; 11321 W Goss St; internal:/; Sun Valley; The closed zones are growing and traffic being closed. Please avoid area from San Fernando Rd to Tujunga Ave. HazMat squad made entry and located a leak, green in color and working to further assess the situation and courses of action. Water and gas to the building have been shut off. No patients exhibiting signs or symptoms yet identified. Additional resources added and total units assigned are included below. Over 68 firefighters currently assigned LAFD Inc#0817; FS 77; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 BC14 BC5 CM42 E21 E221 E275 E298 E77 E87 E98 EA1 EM11 EM15 HM75 JT4 RA60 RA75 RA77 RA86 RA87 RA98 SQ21 SQ87 T21 T75 T87 T98 ; Margaret Stewart
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Hazmat 12/23/2017

Hazmat; 01:56PM; 11321 W Goss St;; Sun Valley; Plating company with unknown chemical with strong odor leaking (possibly up to 40 gallons). Storm drain is impacted and all appropriate agencies being notified. One family being evacuated from home across the street out of precaution No reported injuries LAFD Inc#0817; FS 77; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 E77 E87 RA87 SQ87 T87 E98 RA77 RA60 LF98 CM42 TF21 SQ21 EM15 BC14 ; CH8; 17; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 12/23/2017

Structure Fire; 04:39AM; 699 S Anderson St X E 7th St ;; Boyle Heights; #Structure Fire Now Out. 1 Story Commercial Occupancy (DBA Margaret Chase Trust), 100' x 150'. Dispatched as Alarm Bells ringing ultimately changed to structure fire with additional resources requested. First arriving companies reported light smoke showing. No injuries to civilians or firefighters reported. A knockdown was achieved in 44 minutes. ; FS 17; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 BC13 BC5 CM22 E10 E17 E2 E202 E210 E227 E25 E3 E9 EM1 HR3 RA17 RA2 RA3 RA803 T10 T2 T27 T9 UR3 UR88 ; CH9; TAC12, TAC13; Tony Handy
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Update Investigation 12/22/2017

Update Investigation; 08:38PM; 946 S Bonnie Brae St X W Olympic Bl; internal:/; Westlake / MacArthur Park; Update: Additional information gathered from resources on scene advising the 3 Story Motel suffered damage from what is described as a possible explosion (still unknown cause). The damaged was confined to the 3rd (top) floor area that meets the roof on the "BRAVO" side. LAFD US&R on scene and attempting to shore the affected area. 1 Male Pt being evaluated by LAFD Paramedics for what appears to be minor burns and will be transported to an area hospital for further treatment. LAPD is continuing with the investigation. Any further details can be ascertained by contacting LAPD. NFD; FS 11; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 1; E211 T11 AR1 UR88 BC11 JT3 RA11; CH7; TAC1; Tony Handy
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Update Investigation 12/22/2017

Update Investigation; 07:32PM; 946 S Bonnie Brae St X W Olympic Bl; internal:/; Westlake / MacArthur Park; #Westlake. Initial report is a possible explosion with compromised walls. No report of any injuries. Unknown cause. NFD; FS 11; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 1; T11, E211, AR1, UR88, BC11, JT3; CH7; Tony Handy
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Investigation 12/22/2017

Investigation; 06:17PM; 946 S Bonnie Brae St X W Olympic Bl;; Westlake / MacArthur Park; #Westlake. LAPD (Incident #3781) reports possible explosion and requesting assistance from LAFD. LAFD resources on scene requesting Arson Unit, US&R as well as Building and Safety to respond. NFD; FS 11; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 1; T11, E211, AR1, UR88, BC11; CH7; TAC; Tony Handy
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