
*KNOCKDOWN* Structure Fire 03/23/2016

*KNOCKDOWN* Structure Fire; 10:32PM; 3201 S Overland Av; internal:/; 113 FF's took 73 min; Confined fire to 6th floor sauna area, walls and portion of 7th floor directly above (NFD); No injury; Loss/Cause TBD; Dispatched: E43 RA43 E292 T92 RA892 E59 E58 E237 T37 BC9 BC18 E62 E263 T63 CM22 EM9 BC4 RA92 E5 E261 T61 RA62 E63 E294 T94 EA1 EM11 EM14 BC11 T5 E205 UR5 RA5 E27 UR88 HR56 BC5 E94 BC13 T61 E261 HU59 ; Brian Humphrey
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Structure Fire 03/23/2016

Structure Fire; 09:19PM; 3201 S Overland Av;; Palms; PRELIM: 8 story residential with fire in one room (sauna) on 6th floor recreation area, apparently extending to walls and floor above; 102 FF's assigned; No injury as firefight continues; NFD; FS 43; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 5; CH: 9; 12; Brian Humphrey
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Update Chemical Investigation 03/23/2016

Update Chemical Investigation; 05:37PM; 1985 E Zonal Av; internal:/; Situation on 6th floor stabilized by LAFD responders; LA County Health HazMat officials will oversee cleanup; Three patients taken to hospital by ambulance (unk age / gender / condition / affiliation / circumstances); NFD; T2 E202 SQ21 RA2 E21 T21 E221 BC1 EM1 RA1 RA4 RA47; Brian Humphrey
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Chemical Investigation 03/23/2016

Chemical Investigation; 04:29PM; 1985 E Zonal Av; internal:/; PRELIM: Approximately 4 Liters ("strong alkali", possibly Acedic Anhydride) spilled in and near 6th floor hallway at USC School of Pharmacy; 3 persons (unk age / gender / condition / affiliation / circumstances) have been evaluated for possible exposure; No escalating or off-site hazard; 2 patient transports likely; Approx 45 occupants self-evacuated in a calm & orderly fashion, and building remains vacated as LAFD HazMat experts evaluate and stabilize the situation; FS 2; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; CH: 7; 12,13; Brian Humphrey
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Advisory 03/23/2016

Advisory; 01:20PM; Fern Dell Dr & Red Oak Dr;; Hollywood (Hills & Northeast); #GriffithPark adjacent; LAFD Helicopters will fly in formation between 1:30 PM and 2:00 PM for memorial anniversary of fallen firefighters ; There is no emergency; FS 82; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; Brian Humphrey
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Traffic Collision 03/23/2016

Traffic Collision; 06:24AM; 5021 E Alhambra Av;; El Sereno; Multi car collision with one fatality. NFD; FS 16; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC2 E16 E201 RA47 T1 ; CH7; 12; Margaret Stewart
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Update Hazmat 03/22/2016

Update Hazmat; 10:17PM; 914 E 32nd St; internal:/; South Los Angeles; Address updated. Quantity updated to approx 100G diesel spilled on commercial parking lot. Spill contained. No injuries. LAFD Hazmat will assist with clean up. NFD; FS 14; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 9; Margaret Stewart
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Hazmat 03/22/2016

Hazmat; 10:08PM; 925 E 32nd St;; South Los Angeles; Spill of approximately 20G of diesel; homeowner reports fuel shot out of truck and the wind spread it over the yard. No fire problem. Spill is contained to the yard. No active leak. NFD; FS 14; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 9; BC1 E10 E14 E21 E221 EM1 RA46 RA814 SQ21 T21 ; CH7; 12; Margaret Stewart
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Traffic Collision 03/22/2016

Traffic Collision; 08:49PM; 722 E 5th St;; DOWNTOWN; 2 car traffic collision involved LAPD vehicle. 3 total patients transporting, all with minor injuries. 2 LAPD officers and 1 civilian. NFD; FS 9; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; Margaret Stewart
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Update Structure Fire 03/22/2016

Update Structure Fire; 06:05PM; 1956 E 114th St; internal:/; Watts; KNOCKDOWN: 36 FF in 14 mins. LACoFD resources were on scene and assisted. No injuries reported. Cause TBD NFD; FS 65; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 15; Margaret Stewart
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