
Update Structure Fire 12/30/2015

Update Structure Fire; 06:47AM; 128 S Av 54; internal:/; Silver Lake; KNOCKDOWN: 55 FF in 2hrs 20mins. 8 adults displaced, Red Cross responding to provide assistance. No additional injuries reported. Only transport was 65M in fair condition. LAFD Arson on scene to investigate cause. LAFD units expected to remain on scene through the morning for overhaul and invest. Traffic to the area will be closed. ; FS 12; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; Margaret Stewart
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Update Structure Fire 12/30/2015

Update Structure Fire; 06:43AM; 3209 W Descanso Dr; internal:/; Silver Lake; KNOCKDOWN; 45 FF in 19 mins. Fire contained to one unit in a 4-plex dwelling. Only patient is one cat brought out by FF (condition unk). ; FS 6; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 13; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 12/30/2015

Structure Fire; 06:31AM; 3209 W Descanso Dr;; Silver Lake; 2 story apartment building with heavy smoke showing; FS 6; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 13; E6 RA6 RA820 E235 E35 T35 E52 E211 T11 EM11 BC11 BC5 RA20 RA35 ; CH9; 14; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 12/30/2015

Structure Fire; 05:41AM; 128 S Av 54;; Highland Park / Arroyo Seco; 2 story wood frame, balloon construction home with fire showing on LAFD arrival. 2nd floor structural integrity compromised so now in defensive mode. Bulk of fire knockdown, working on stubborn areas. 1 adult male, approx 65yo, transported in fair condition. No other injuries reported. ; FS 12; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; AR1 BC1 BC2 CM21 CM22 E11 E12 E201 E202 E212 E3 E55 EM1 RA12 RA47 RA55 T1 T12 T2 ; CH9; 12,13; Margaret Stewart
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Earthquake 12/29/2015

Earthquake; 05:57PM; LOS ANGELES; internal:/; The LAFD is now in earthquake mode. A 4.3M earthquake was centered near Devore, CA. All 106 fire stations will survey their district to ensure safety for all.; Margaret Stewart
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; 03:56PM; Hollywood Sign ;; Hollywood (Hills & Northwest); Reported injured hiker near Hollywood sign located. Helicopter lowered paramedic to 25yo Male with leg injury. Due to difficult access, air hoist operation being performed.; FS 82; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; BC5 E235 E290 E82 H4 RA35 RA76 RA835 RH214 T35 ; CH7; 17; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 12/29/2015

Structure Fire; 03:49PM; 1906 S Chariton St;; MID-CITY: KNOCKDOWN (34FF in 12 mins) of 1 room fire in a 1 story single family dwelling. No injuries reported. Fire contained to the room of origin. ; FS 58; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 5; E68 E43 RA43 E261 T61 E292 T92 RA92 EM9 BC18 E58 RA858 ; CH7; 14; Margaret Stewart
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Hazmat 12/29/2015

Hazmat; 01:41PM; Berth 228 Evergreen Yard;; San Pedro; Hazmat leak (fuel/oil?) is currently contained within the vessel (not exiting to ocean). LAFD investigating methods of safe removal. No injuries reported.; FS 40; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC6 BT2 E248 E40 E48 JT5 RA848 SQ21 SQ48 T48 ; CH7; 13; Margaret Stewart
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Update High-Rise 12/29/2015

Update High-Rise; 07:31AM; 10537 W Santa Monica Blvd; internal:/; Westwood / UCLA; KNOCKDOWN: 58 FF in 46 mins. Bulk of the fire was quickly extinguished but fire remained in walls/floor on 2nd story. No injuries reported. LAFD Arson enroute to investigate cause.; FS 92; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 5; Peter Sanders
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Update 12/28/2015

Update ; 08:23PM; 5200 N CLEON AV; internal:/; KNOCKDOWN: 30 FF in 14 min. Detached garage. No injury. Cause & $loss TBD, NFD; FS 60; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; Erik Scott
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