
Structure Fire 12/28/2024 INC#0197

Structure Fire; INC#0197; 03:31AM; 9201 N Wakefield Av;; Panorama City; Row of three two-story townhomes with one unit well involved and extending into a 2nd unit. Firefighters are in the offensive mode. Additional resources are enroute.; FS 7; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; BC10 BC12 BC14 BC15 CM40 CM42 E239 E275 E289 E290 E298 E7 E75 E81 E87 E89 E90 E98 EM14 EM15 RA7 RA81 RA881 RA89 SQ87 T39 T75 T89 T90 T98 UR88 UR89; CH9; 17 18; Margaret Stewart
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Update Traffic 12/27/2024 INC#1532

Update Traffic; INC#1532; 08:18PM; 22120 S Halldale Av;; Harbor Gateway; The trapped patient (male in his 70s) is extricated and being transported in *at least* serious condition. One female in her 70s and a third person (age/gender unknown) both transported in serious condition. Media questions referred to LAPD Inc# 3745; FS 85; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC6 E238 E285 E36 E79 E85 EM13 HR3 RA36 RA79 RA85 T38 T85; CH7; 12; Margaret Stewart
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Physical Rescue 12/27/2024 INC#1532

Physical Rescue; INC#1532; 07:37PM; 22120 S Halldale Av;; Harbor Gateway; Two car collision with three patients, one requiring extrication. ; FS 85; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC6 E285 E36 E79 E85 EM13 HR3 RA79 RA85 T85; CH7; 12; Margaret Stewart
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 12/26/2024 INC#0591

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0591; 12:35PM; 1246 S Hope St;; Downtown; KNOCKDOWN: Over 100 firefighters battled the Major Emergency structure fire for one hour and 37 minutes with no injuries reported. This will be an extended duration overhaul operation and drivers are advised to avoid the area around Hope x Pico in Downtown Los Angeles. Per protocol for this size of an incident, LAFD Arson is on scene for the cause investigation. PIO Firefighter David Ortiz is on scene for media availability with media staging at the Command Post at Hope x Pico.; FS 10; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; AR1 BC1 BC11 BC2 BC4 BC5 BC705 BC712 CE43 CE84 CM20 CM22 E11 E13 E15 E20 E203 E209 E210 E211 E212 E215 E226 E229 E233 E3 E9 E94 EA1 EM1 EM11 H3 HA3 HR3 PH1 PI4 RA10 RA12 RA15 RA33 RA810 RA9 SO1 SQ21 T10 T11 T12 T15 T26 T29 T3 T33 T9 UR3 UR88; CH7; 12 13; Margaret Stewart
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Update Structure Fire 12/26/2024 INC#0591

Update Structure Fire; INC#0591; 11:23AM; 1246 S Hope St;; Downtown; This is now categorized as a Major Emergency incident with 17 fire companies on scene. Firefighters are deploying master streams via ladder pipes and wagon batteries on the fire engines. Crews placed ground ladders to the fire escapes to assist unhoused persons exiting the vacant structure. Firefighters remain in the defensive mode and this will be an extended duration operation. East and West traffic on Pico Bl is closed. Drivers are advised to avoid Pico x Hope area in Downtown LA.; FS 10; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 BC2 BC4 BC5 BC705 BC712 CM20 CM22 E11 E13 E15 E203 E209 E210 E211 E212 E215 E3 E9 EM1 EM11 HR3 RA10 RA15 RA33 RA810 RA9 SQ21 T10 T11 T12 T15 T3 T9 UR3 UR88; CH9; 12 13; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 12/26/2024 INC#0591

Structure Fire; INC#0591; 10:58AM; 1246 S Hope St;; Downtown; Four-story (Pre-33) vacant building with a well developed fire on the fourth floor. Firefighters are in the defensive mode with additional resources enroute. ; FS 10; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 E11 E209 E210 E211 E212 E9 RA10 RA9 SQ21 T10 T11 T12; CH9; 12; Margaret Stewart
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 12/25/2024 INC#0793

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0793; 12:46PM; 11255 N Dempsey Av;; Granada Hills; KNOCKDOWN: 50 firefighters extinguished the fire in 26 minutes. The fire started on the 1st floor and extended up through to the attic. One 60 yo female patient was transported in fair condition. Firefighters rescued three pet dogs and one cat from inside the structure and reunited them with the owners. There are still several more cats unaccounted for and firefighters continue to look for them while conducting overhaul operations. ; FS 75; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; BC12 BC14 BC15 CM40 CM42 E18 E275 E287 E298 E7 E75 E87 EM15 RA18 RA7 RA75 T75 T87 T98; CH9; 17 18; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 12/25/2024 INC#0793

Structure Fire; INC#0793; 12:20PM; 11255 N Dempsey Av;; Granada Hills; Two-story, single family dwelling with fire showing from the 2nd floor. Initial reports of one patient on scene (unknown condition). Additional resources requested. Firefighters are in the offensive mode. ; FS 75; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; BC12 BC15 E18 E275 E287 E75 E87 RA7 RA75 T75 T87; CH9; 18; Margaret Stewart
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 12/25/2024 INC#0383

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0383; 07:01AM; 12529 N Cometa Av;; Sylmar; KNOCKDOWN: 38 firefighters extinguished the well involved attic fire in 22 minutes with no injuries reported. The exposed structures were defended from damage. No further details.; FS 91; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC10 BC12 E275 E287 E298 E7 E75 E91 E98 EM15 EM5 RA7 RA891 RA91 RA98 T75 T87 T98; CH9; 17; Margaret Stewart
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Structure Fire 12/25/2024 INC#0383

Structure Fire; INC#0383; 06:39AM; 12529 N Cometa Av;; Sylmar; One-story, single family dwelling with an outside fire to the rear of the structure which has extended into the attic of a converted garage. An additional (not converted) garage and single family dwelling are exposed to the fire. The owner of the primary residence states all occupants out of structures. Firefighters are in the offensive mode.; FS 91; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC10 BC12 E275 E298 E75 E91 E98 EM15 EM5 RA7 RA891 RA91 RA98 T75 T98; CH9; 17; Margaret Stewart
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