
Technical Rescue 01/15/2025 INC#0779

Technical Rescue; INC#0779; 10:26AM; 1319 N Harvard Bl;; East Hollywood; Collapse of the walkway of a two-story apartment complex (the walkway, not the building) with one patient transported (condition unknown) and three additional patients being evaluated. ; FS 82; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; BC1 BC11 E235 E27 E52 EM5 HR3 RA35 RA52 RA827 RA89 T27 T35 UR27 UR3 UR88 UR89; CH7; 14; Margaret Stewart
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Red Flag Parking Restrictions REMAIN IN EFFECT

Red Flag Parking Restrictions REMAIN IN EFFECT; 08:00AM;; Red Flag Parking Restrictions REMAIN IN EFFECT until 8:00AM Thursday, January 16, 2025. It is important that fire apparatus have room to respond quickly to a fast-moving brush fire while simultaneously allowing residents to evacuate, if necessary. During Red Flag Parking Restrictions period, vehicles illegally parked in posted locations within the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ) will be towed. For areas in the VHFHSZ, please look for the "Red Flag Days" no parking signs and ensure you do not violate the restriction. Visit for up-to-date information on the status. Link above for an interactive map of the affected streets; Margaret Stewart
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Physical Rescue - FATALITY 01/15/2025 INC#0103

Physical Rescue - FATALITY; INC#0103; 01:38AM; 1826 N Western Av;; Los Feliz; One vehicle into a two story apartment building with a total of three patients. Two patients were trapped under the vehicle (in the apartment unit) and required extrication: approximately 50 yo male patient was determined deceased on scene, 9 yo male patient transported in serious condition. 34 yo female patient (driver) was transported with minor injuries. There are a total of seven displaced occupants. Red Cross and Mayor's Crisis Response Team notified to provide assistance. LA Dept of Building and Safety will determine whether the building is safe for occupation. All media queries are referred to LAPD (Hollywood Division) Inc#914. No further details. ; FS 82; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; BC5 E227 E27 E82 EM5 HR3 RA35 RA52 RA82 T27 T35 UR27 UR88; CH7; 12; Margaret Stewart
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FORWARD PROGRESS STOPPED Brush Fire 01/14/2025 INC#1429

FORWARD PROGRESS STOPPED Brush Fire; INC#1429; 05:38PM; 11777 W Foothill Bl;; Lake View Terrace; FORWARD PROGRESS STOPPED. Over 40 firefighters stopped all forward progress, preventing damage to the nearby structures. No reported injuries. LAFD and LA County resources will remain onscene continuing mop up operations ensuring no hot spots remain. ; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AO1 AO2 BC10 BC12 BC14 BC15 BP98 CM40 CM41 CM42 E24 E275 E287 E288 E298 E35 E496 E64R E7 E73 E75 E77 EM14 H1 H2 H3 H4 H7 HA1 HA2 HA3 HA4 HA7 RA898 RA98 RI200 T98 WT77; CH8; 17; Gayle Sonoda
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Brush Fire 01/14/2025 INC#1429

Brush Fire; INC#1429; 05:04PM; 11777 W Foothill Bl;; Lake View Terrace; 1/4 acre of grass burning uphill under 10-15 mph with structures exposed. Firefighters are in the offensive mode. ; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC10 BC12 BC14 BC15 BP98 CM40 CM41 CM42 E24 E275 E298 E35 E64R E7 E73 E75 E77 EM14 H1 H2 H3 H4 HA1 HA2 HA3 HA4 RA898 RA98 T98 WT77; CH5; 17; Margaret Stewart
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 01/14/2025 INC#0778

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0778; 12:07PM; 11669 S Avalon Bl;; Green Meadows; KNOCKDOWN. 20 Firefighters extinguished the fire in 32 minutes with no injuries reported.; FS 64; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC13 E464 E64 FR64 RA64 T64; CH7; 12; Gayle Sonoda
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Update Structure Fire 01/14/2025 INC#0778

Update Structure Fire; INC#0778; 11:49AM; 11669 S Avalon Bl;; Green Meadows; The building is a small single family dwelling with fire through the roof. This is a boarded up structure, the site of a previous burn. Firefighters are in the defensive mode. ; FS 64; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC13 E464 E64 FR64 RA64 T64; CH7; 12; Gayle Sonoda
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Structure Fire 01/14/2025 INC#0778

Structure Fire; INC#0778; 11:34AM; 11669 S Avalon Bl;; Green Meadows; 1 story single family dwelling with fire showing. Firefighters are in the offensive mode. ; FS 64; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC13 E464 E64 FR64 T64; CH7; 12; Gayle Sonoda
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Red Flag Parking Restrictions Remain In Effect 01/14/2025

Red Flag Parking Restrictions Remain In Effect; 08:00AM;; Red Flag Parking Restrictions REMAIN IN EFFECT until further notice. It is important that fire apparatus have room to respond quickly to a fast-moving brush fire while simultaneously allowing residents to evacuate, if necessary. During Red Flag Parking Restrictions period, vehicles illegally parked in posted locations within the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ) will be towed. For areas in the VHFHSZ, please look for the "Red Flag Days" no parking signs and ensure you do not violate the restriction. Visit for up-to-date information on the status. Link above for an interactive map of the affected streets; Margaret Stewart
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KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 01/13/2025 INC#2218

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#2218; 11:59PM; 3416 E 1st St;; Boyle Heights; KNOCKDOWN: 44 firefighters extinguished the fire in at 12:03AM (30 minutes) with no injuries reported. ; FS 25; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC701 CM20 CM22 E16 E2 E203 E25 EM1 RA2 SQ21 T1 T2 T9; CH7; 13; Margaret Stewart
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