Update Vehicle Fire with Injuries 09/07/2024 INC#1111

Update Vehicle Fire with Injuries; INC#1111; 03:30PM; 9750 N Wheatland Av; https://bit.ly/4dV84f8; #ShadowHills; The earlier described "explosion" is best now defined instead as a large "fireball" that suddenly erupted from the burning vehicle shortly after LAFD arrival. There are now *five* total patients. Along with the three firefighters earlier mentioned with non-life threatening burn injuries, the fourth member of their four-person crew, who displayed no immediate injury or medical complaint, is now being taken to the same regional burn center for a baseline medical evaluation. The fifth patient, an adult male civilian associated with the burned coupe, sustained minor burns to his arm and leg, as well as singed facial hair. He will be transported by LAFD ambulance to an area hospital in fair condition. The cause of the vehicle fire remains under active investigation.; FS 77; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AR1 BC12 CM40 CM42 E24 E77 EM14 JT2 JT4 RA74 RA77 RA874 RA98 SO1 SQ87 WT77; CH8; 17; Brian Humphrey
