Update Vegetation Fire KNOCKDOWN 06/17/2018

Update KNOCKDOWN Vegetation Fire; 04:25PM; 600 W ACADEMY RD; internal:/; Elysian Park; 64 LAFD Firefighters including air and ground resources strategically worked to extinguish three separate vegetation fires within 1 hour; These fires included 1/8 acre near Park Row Dr. x Grand View Dr., and two smaller fires just South of that location near Amador St. x Solano Ave. near the 110 Freeway; No structures were threatened; No reported injuries; Cause is under active investigation by the LAFD Arson/Counter-Terrorism Section; No further details; LAFD Inc #858; ; FS 1; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; E201 RA1 E447 T1 E4 E202 E2 T2 E203 T3 E55 E16 E90 EM1 BC1 BC11 H3 H4 T50 E250 E56 BC2 H6 E47 AR1 CM22 E29 ; Amy Bastman
