Update Vegetation Fire KNOCKDOWN 06/07/2018

Update KNOCKDOWN Vegetation Fire; 10:48AM; 4200 S HUNTINGTON DR; internal:/; Omaha Heights; Ascot Hills Park; LAFD air and ground resources totaling 69 firefighters have extinguished approximately five acres of medium vegetation in 62 minutes; No structures damaged or threatened; No evacuations issued; Cause TBD; LAFD Inc #459; FS 47; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 14; E47 E201 T1 BC2 BP47 E16 E2 RA1 E202 T2 E212 T12 E44 T90 E290 H0E H0F EM5 BC1 H3 H5 AR1 H6 AO1 CW3A E55 E25 E4 HU59 ; Amy Bastman
