Update Trapped Vehicle - Fatality 02/07/2021 INC#1045

Update Trapped Vehicle - Fatality; INC#1045; 05:35PM; 875 S Alameda St; https://bit.ly/3cMBIGR; Downtown; The patient trapped in the vehicle under the semi-truck was sadly determined dead on scene. The 2nd patient has not yet decided on ambulance transport for the minor injuries sustained. This is now a LAPD incident for the investigation. All questions referred to LAPD Inc#3091. No further details.; FS 17; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 E17 E203 E209 E227 E3 E9 EM11 HR3 RA17 RA809 RA9 T27 T3 T9 UR27; CH7; 12; Margaret Stewart
