Update Train vs Bus 04/30/2024 INC#0749

Update Train vs Bus; INC#0749; 01:10PM; 901 W Exposition Bl; https://bit.ly/3y787o1; #ExpositionPark; Firefighters are on scene of a collision between a Metro Rail train and a USC Transportation bus, where at least 16 people were injured. Two from the bus (not trapped) were transported in moderate-to-serious condition (unknown total bus occupants at the time of the collision). At least fourteen additional patients from the train were evaluated on scene with minor injuries (total hospital transports will be updated at a later time). Media please stage near the intersection of Bill Robertson and Exposition Blvd. PIO Captain Adam Van Gerpen is on scene.; FS 15; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; AP4 AP43 AP65 BC13 CM20 CM22 E210 E215 E34 E46 EM1 EM5 HR3 PI2 RA15 RA266 RA46 RA66 RA813 RA814 RA815 RA826 RA846 RA865 RA894 SO1 T10 T15; CH7; 12; Nicholas Prange
