Update Traffic - Multi-Casualty Incident 08/11/2024 INC#0758

Update Traffic - Multi-Casualty Incident; INC#0758; 01:15PM; 6600 S La Cienega Bl; https://bit.ly/4dj007A; Westchester; Patient Update: A total of 13 patients (breakdown of ages/genders not available) were evaluated with four transported via ALS (Advanced Life Saving - Paramedic) ambulance and four via BLS (Basic Life Support - EMT) and nine declined LAFD transport. All further questions are referred to LAPD Inc# 1992; FS 5; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC4 E205 E266 E295 E5 EM9 RA34 RA5 RA62 RA66 RA834 RA846 RA857 RA862 RA95 T5 T66 T95; CH4; 13; Margaret Stewart
