Update Traffic Collision With Entrapment 02/11/2020 INC#1244

Update Traffic Collision With Entrapment; INC#1244; 05:45PM; 3750 N Sepulveda Bl; http://bit.ly/31ObdZT; Encino; Three vehicle collision with a total of 5 adult patients, three of whom were trapped in vehicle/s. One is in critical condition, the others have lesser injuries. Four have been taken to an area hospital, while one has declined ambulance transportation. Sepulveda Boulevard remains closed in both directions. Media: LAPD Valley Traffic Incident #4598; FS 88; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 5; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC10 CM42 E109 E288 E83 E88 EM14 HR3 RA78 RA83 RA878 RA88 RA99 T88 UR88; - Brian Humphrey
