Update Traffic Collision with Entrapment 01/07/2022 INC#1782

Update Traffic Collision with Entrapment; INC#1782; 10:00PM; 612 W 26th St; https://bit.ly/3q27jKN; #SanPedro; Sedan collided with an occupied residence, trapping *one* person (unknown age / gender) in the vehicle only, who has been determined dead at the scene. Though the vehicle and one involved unit in a row of bungalow-style homes were significantly damaged, there are no other injuries. Department of Building and Safety en route (ETA 11:00 PM) to determine if structure can be reoccupied. Media Inquiries: LAPD South Traffic Division (Incident #3522); FS 48; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC4 BC6 E101 E248 E285 E36 E85 EM13 HR3 RA112 RA79 RA848 RA85 T48 T85 UR85 UR88; CH7; 12 13; Brian Humphrey
