Update Traffic Collision 02/25/2016

Update Traffic Collision; 09:03AM; 1532 S Vermont Av; internal:/; FINAL: 2 Metro transit buses; Both now parked curbside NB Vermont, 1 south, the other north of Venice Bl; 29 persons evaluated; Nine (4 M, 5 F all adults, including 2 bus operators) to hospitals by LAFD ambulance for non-life threat injury; Roadways now clear; Media Inquiries: Metro and LAPD Incident # 1089; LAFD Units Dispatched: E13 RA826 RA26 RA811 EM11 BC11 RA13 RA26 EM1 MD1 E26 T26 E226 E15 RA15 EM14 RA6 RA29 RA3 RA829 RA834 ; Brian Humphrey
