Update Technical Rescue - Tree Trimmer 08/22/2024 INC#0757

Update Technical Rescue - Tree Trimmer; INC#0757; 12:10PM; 11958 W Hart St; https://bit.ly/3YU5jWK; North Hollywood; Firefighters conducted a carefully coordinated operation, using a combination of aerial ladder and rope system to quickly get a firefighter to the patient, secure him and safely lower him and the rescuer to the ground. The patient is a 26yo male with no injuries, declining LAFD transport. No further details.; FS 89; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; BC12 BC14 E260 E288 E289 E60 E89 EM12 HR3 RA60 RA88 RA889 T60 T88 T89 UR88 UR89; CH8; 17 18; Margaret Stewart
