Update Technical Rescue 03/29/2022 INC#1469

Update Technical Rescue; INC#1469; 09:18PM; 817 S Hobart Bl; https://bit.ly/36F1pbI; Koreatown; Firefighters deployed a rope system from the roof, secured the patient and lowered her down to the ground. She is being evaluated by firefighter/paramedics and shows no signs of any injuries (age unknown at this time). No information is available regarding the circumstances of her being in the chute. No further details.; FS 29; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 10; BC1 BC14 BC5 E227 E229 E27 E29 E52 E6 EM11 HR3 RA11 RA26 RA27 RA5 RA889 T27 T29 UR27 UR88; CH7; 13 14; Margaret Stewart
