Update Structure Fire #OakGroveFire 11/09/2020 INC#1212

Update #OakGroveFire Structure Fire; INC#1212; 06:30PM; 1109 W Oak Grove Dr; https://bit.ly/38sRVi8; Eagle Rock; 102 LAFD firefighters assigned to what remains a bold defensive exterior attack on a fully involved 111 year-old two-story 1,824 square-foot ascending hillside home, with only *nearby* vegetation involved. An LAFD helicopter is orbiting the area in an aerial reconnaissance and command support role, reporting no ember cast and no current threat of area wildfire. No injuries have been reported. The firefight continues.; FS 42; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 BC13 BC18 BC2 CM22 CM42 E12 E201 E202 E212 E235 E250 E289 E42 E44 E55 E89 E9 E90 EM1 EM13 H2 HA2 RA1 RA12 RA55 RA56 T1 T12 T2 T35 T50 T89 UR89; CH9; 14 15 16; Brian Humphrey
