Update Structure Fire - Now Out 08/21/2024 INC#0144

Update Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#0144; 04:45AM; 11015 W Sarah St; https://bit.ly/4dUMS8V; #NorthHollywood; *Updated Patient Information*: Alerted by a functional smoke alarm and escaping the burning home prior to LAFD arrival were an 80M and 35M, who both declined ambulance transportation and remain at the scene. Rescued by LAFD responders and taken to the hospital by ambulance were a 50F in grave condition and an 83M in serious condition. Among the *multiple* pets in the home at the time of the fire, were a dog successfully rescued and resuscitated by LAFD responders, as well as at least three cats that sadly perished. LAFD Public Information Officer Captain Cody Weireter is at the fire scene to assist the media. The fire's cause remains under active investigation.; FS 86; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; AR1 BC10 BC14 BC5 CM40 CM42 E260 E278 E289 E60 E76 E86 E89 EM14 EM5 PH1 PI3 RA60 RA76 RA78 RA86 RA860 T60 T78 T89; CH8; 17; Brian Humphrey
