Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 12/12/2020 INC#0491

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0491; 10:20AM; 9845 N Noble Av; https://bit.ly/2Wcp5es; North Hills; 26 LAFD firefighters extinguished fire in the attic of a one-story single-family home in 19 minutes. Companies inside protected belongings prior to applying water, while firefighters above coordinated their ventilation efforts with fire attack crews below. The coordinated effort minimized damage from water, fire, and smoke. There were no reported injuries. The cause of the fire is under investigation.; FS 7; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 E275 E287 E7 E87 RA7 RA75 T75 T87; CH9; 17; Nicholas Prange
