Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 08/30/2019 INC#1312

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1312; 06:05PM; 10017 N Columbus Av; http://bit.ly/2UfLDt2; Mission Hills; 38 FF in 14 min extinguished a fully-involved detached structure behind a single family home. The home, itself, was protected by quick response and an aggressive firefight, as flames kissed the eaves of the nearby residence. No reported injuries. Unknown cause/loss; FS 7; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 E275 E287 E290 E7 E75 E87 RA7 RA81 RA87 T75 T87 T90; CH8; 17; - Nicholas Prange
