Update Structure Fire KNOCKDOWN 02/09/2020 INC#0041

Update KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#0041; 12:59AM; 371 N Douglas St; http://bit.ly/2UAMO8D; Echo Park; 39 firefighters quickly gained on the vegetation burning in the rear, extinguishing it time to prevent damage to nearby buildings including a multi-unit residential building and the Echo Park Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library. Firefighters finished off the flames outside and inside the original structure in 17 minutes. A search of the premises, thankfully, turned up no victims. The displaced family members were offered Red Cross assistance, however, they are being taken in by loved ones coming to their aid. No reported injuries. Unknown cause/loss; FS 3; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC1 BC11 CM22 E20 E203 E210 E211 E3 E6 EM1 RA11 RA811 T10 T11 T3 T9; CH9; 12 13; -Nicholas Prange
