Update Structure Fire Incident Details 02/27/2019 INC#1373

Update Incident Details Structure Fire; INC#1373; 07:51PM; 11852 W Santa Monica Bl; http://bit.ly/2H5dPuk; Sawtelle; PRELIM: E59 Onscene reports 2 Story Commerical Heavy Smoke Showing, Offensive Mode UPDATE: 83 firefighters still in defensive mode continuing the firefight of a 2 story commerical with a corrected address that is unoccupied with heavy master streams which consists of Ladderpipe operations, wagon batteries and heavy stream handlines. No reports of Injuries. PIO and CLO on scene at command post to address media.; FS 59; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; AR2 BC18 BC4 BC5 BC9 CL1 CM42 E19 E227 E237 E263 E292 E37 E5 E59 E62 E63 E71 EM9 HR3 HU59 PH1 RA19 RA5 RA59 T27 T37 T63 T92 UR5 UR88; CH9; 17 18; Mark McLean
