Update Structure Fire Civilian Fatality - 02/10/2021 INC#0842

Update Civilian Fatality - Structure Fire; INC#0842; 03:21PM; 317 W 76th St; https://bit.ly/2MSDStW; Florence; Despite an exhaustive resuscitation effort by a team of veteran LAFD Paramedics, the adult male civilian resident of the burning apartment, earlier rescued by firefighters, proved to be beyond medical help, and has been determined dead at the scene. No other injuries have been reported. The fire's cause is under active investigation.; FS 57; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; AR1 BC11 BC13 E233 E264 E33 E46 E57 EM13 PH1 RA257 RA33 RA857 T33 T64; CH7; 13; Brian Humphrey
