Update Structure Fire 12/30/2023 INC#0838

Update Structure Fire; INC#0838; 04:45PM; 19817 W Hatton St; https://bit.ly/41KQo0v; #Winnetka; A functional smoke alarm in the 2,159 square foot two-story residence reportedly aided the adult male homeowner (and sole building occupant) in safely escaping the fast-moving fire. His further statement to firefighters indicate a natural Christmas Tree in the first floor living room area to be the origin of the fire that destroyed his home. A City of Los Angeles Department of Building & Safety Inspector has formally "Red Tagged" the heavily damaged and physically unstable structure as unfit for entry. The LAFD was pleased to coordinate initial basic monetary assistance for the homeowner through the California Fire Foundation's 'Supplying Aid to Victims of Emergency' (SAVE) Program ( https://www.cafirefoundation.org/what-we-do/for-communities/save ), and made the homeowner aware of available community resources.; FS 104; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC10 BC15 BC17 CM40 CM42 E104 E105 E290 E293 E305 E72 E87 EA1 EM15 PI2 RA104 RA107 RA72 SO1 T105 T90 T93; CH8; 17 18; Brian Humphrey
