Update Structure Fire 11/28/2019 INC#0027

Update Structure Fire; INC#0027; 01:02AM; 3576 E Whittier Bl; http://bit.ly/2skcJ8w; Boyle Heights; KNOCKDOWN: 43 firefighters in 39 mins. The well established fire was already burning through the roof upon LAFD arrival. Firefighters made entry to conduct an interior fire attack with steady progress before ultimately extinguishing the fire. No injuries reported and no other structures damaged. Cause and $ loss TBD. No further details.; FS 25; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 E17 E2 E201 E202 E25 E9 RA2 RA25 T1 T2 T9; CH9; 12 13; Margaret Stewart
