Update Structure Fire 11/27/2019 INC#1495

Update Structure Fire; INC#1495; 09:55PM; 15415 W Sunset Bl; http://bit.ly/37JjNvM; Pacific Palisades; Fire appears to have flashed (point when the contents of room that are preheated by smoldering fire and ignite at once) and burned itself out in the 1 story, commercial (restaurant) building just prior to LAFD arrival. No injuries reported. Cause and $ loss TBD. No further details; FS 69; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC18 BC4 BC9 CM42 E19 E205 E23 E237 E263 E269 E288 E292 E5 E63 E69 EM9 RA23 RA5 RA69 T37 T5 T63 T69 T88 T92 UR5; CH9; 13 15; Margaret Stewart
