Update Structure Fire 11/22/2019 INC#1405

Update Structure Fire; INC#1405; 08:02PM; 1200 N Vermont Av; http://bit.ly/33dw3ks; East Hollywood; With 115 firefighters on scene, this is now a Major Emergency structure fire. Firefighters are making good progress in the defensive mode. LAFD PIO Captain Brandon Silverman is enroute to the scene for media availability. No injuries reported.; FS 35; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; BC1 BC11 BC2 BC5 CM22 E20 E211 E220 E226 E227 E229 E233 E235 E261 E27 E29 E3 E35 E41 E52 E6 E61 EM11 EM14 EM9 HR3 RA35 RA6 RA806 RA829 RA835 T11 T20 T26 T27 T29 T33 T35 T61 UR27 UR88; CH9; 12 13; Margaret Stewart
