Update Structure Fire 11/12/2020 INC#0583

Update Structure Fire; INC#0583; 11:45AM; 10801 W Venice Bl; https://bit.ly/3lrShJx; Palms; Two additional task forces have responded. Crews fighting fire inside the structure are now withdrawing to transition to defensive operations (applying water from the exterior only), as the battle continues.; FS 43; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 5; BC18 BC4 BC9 CM22 E205 E226 E237 E26 E261 E263 E27 E292 E58 E62 E63 EM9 HR3 RA5 RA862 RA92 T26 T37 T5 T61 T63 T92 UR5 UR88; CH9; 12 13; Nicholas Prange
