Update Structure Fire 10/30/2020 INC#1337

Update Structure Fire; INC#1337; 08:23PM; 800 S San Julian St; https://bit.ly/2HPAVYk; Downtown; This is now a Greater Alarm structure fire with 99 firefighters assigned. The building type is updated to a one story (with possible mezzanine), concrete tilt-up construction, approximately 100' x 200' in size. Firefighters are in an offensive operation with heavy fire inside. No injuries reported. ; FS 9; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 BC18 BC5 CM22 E10 E15 E203 E209 E210 E211 E220 E221 E3 E4 E5 E9 EA1 EM1 EM13 HR3 RA10 RA209 RA809 RA9 SQ21 T10 T11 T20 T21 T3 T9 UR3 UR5 UR88; CH9; 13 14; Margaret Stewart
