Update Structure Fire 08/26/2019 INC#0185

Update Structure Fire; INC#0185; 04:44AM; 408 S Oxford Av; http://bit.ly/2zjye9M; Koreatown; KNOCKDOWN: 52FF in 21 mins. Fire prevented from extending into the attic. A primary and secondary search found no occupants of the building. Cause and $ loss TBD. No injuries reported. No further details; FS 29; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 10; BC1 BC11 BC5 CM22 E13 E226 E227 E229 E261 E29 E52 E6 EA2 EM1 RA29 RA829 T26 T27 T29 T61; CH9; 13 14; Margaret Stewart
