Update Structure Fire 07/19/2019 INC#0294

Update Structure Fire; INC#0294; 07:22AM; 7231 N Corbin Av; http://bit.ly/2XxQMht; Winnetka; KNOCKDOWN: 86FF in 30 mins;Firefighters operated in a defensive mode due to the known safety hazards inside the building (holes in floor) and fire through the roof;The building is currently vacant and under renovation; The interior is nearly empty with side walls in framing stage which allowed firefighters access to the seat of the fire from the exterior;No injuries reported; FS 104; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC14 BC15 BC17 CM42 CM43 E104 E273 E288 E293 E296 E305 E72 E73 E88 E89 E93 EM17 HR3 RA104 RA872 RA889 RA89 T105 T73 T88 T89 T93 T96 UR88 UR89; CH9; 17 18; Margaret Stewart
