Update Structure Fire 07/04/2020 INC#1678

Update Structure Fire; INC#1678; 11:00PM; 8651 N Wilbur Av; https://bit.ly/3iGsHzI; Northridge; Two 16-unit garden-style apartment buildings are positioned next to each other at Wilbur and Parthenia. Several large palm trees and the west half of the building (8 of the units) were fully involved with fire. Embers landed on the roof of the second building (to the east) and started a surface fire on the roof of the second building. 81 firefighters extinguished the trees, eight west-side apartment units, and the fire atop the second building (thus protecting the entire second building and east half of the first building). Approximately 50 residents will be displaced. Many residents were rescued, and five patients resulted from the fire. Three were transported to the hospital in serious condition from smoke inhalation and the other two declined transport with minor injuries. The cause of the fire is under active investigation; FS 103; Batt 15; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; AR2 BC10 BC14 BC15 CM42 E103 E104 E107 E260 E273 E274 E287 E288 E296 E5 E70 E73 E89 E90 EM14 EM15 EM17 HR3 PI3 RA104 RA107 RA70 RA73 RA889 RA903 T60 T73 T74 T87 T88 T96 UR88 UR89; CH8; 3 14 17; -Nicholas Prange
