Update Structure Fire 06/19/2023 INC#1635

Update Structure Fire; INC#1635; 10:06PM; 1839 N Kenmore Av; https://bit.ly/2TEOLTl; Los Feliz; The incident transitioned to a defensive operation as the fire was through the roof of the two story, vacant structure. Firefighters aggressively attacked the fire to prevent it from extending to the exposed large trees (which could have caused further extension) and have knocked back the bulk of those flames. Crews are now returning to the offensive mode as they make entry to the attic to root out the remaining fire. No injuries reported. ; FS 35; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; BC11 BC5 CM20 CM22 E20 E211 E220 E227 E235 E27 E35 E82 EM11 RA35 RA56 RA82 T11 T20 T27 T35; CH9; 12 13; Margaret Stewart
