Update Structure Fire 04/23/2020 INC#0418

Update Structure Fire; INC#0418; 09:55AM; 15902 W Mckeever St; https://bit.ly/3byJrVw; Granada Hills; KNOCKDOWN: 44 firefighters extinguished the bulk of the fire in 25 mins. Firefighters encountered excessive storage conditions inside the structure which created challenges reaching the seat of the fire. They continue to reach small pockets of fire and it will be an extended duration overhaul. The owner of the residence reports all occupants are out. No injuries reported as of this time. Cause and $ loss TBD. No further details; FS 75; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; BC12 E18 E275 E287 E298 E75 E87 E98 EM15 RA18 RA75 RA90 T75 T87 T98; CH9; 12; Margaret Stewart
