Update Structure Fire 04/21/2019 INC#0895

Update Structure Fire; INC#0895; 06:45PM; 1825 E I St; http://bit.ly/2Zr7wb2; Wilmington; While visible flames are extinguished, LAFD resources remain on scene making their way through the densely packed auto yard to ensure no fire hazards remain;LACoFD Dozer team is enroute to assist with moving vehicles to allow access for further overhaul;No injuries reported;Cause unknown at this time;No further alerts anticipated for this incident; FS 38; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC6 BT4 E248 E285 E38 E49 E64 E85 RA38 RA85 T48 T85; CH7; 16; Margaret Stewart
