Update Structure Fire 02/19/2020 INC#1210

Update Structure Fire; INC#1210; 05:15PM; 823 N Cleveland St; http://bit.ly/3bVV2Pc; Chinatown; Now being described as a fire in one unit (and now in the attic) of a duplex detached from the residential units in front of it. Firefighters ascended ladders to the roof and cut a hole for vertical ventilation. The structural integrity of the roof has become compromised and companies have retreated due to the change in conditions. The fire in the unit has been extinguished, and now fire attack crews will continue chasing the fire spreading through the attic, while being aware of the integrity of the roof above. No reported injuries, thus far; FS 3; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC1 CM22 E10 E201 E210 E3 E4 EM1 RA3 RA4 RA803 T1 T10 T3; CH9; 12; -Nicholas Prange
