Update Structure Fire 02/16/2021 INC#0112

Update Structure Fire; INC#0112; 03:20AM; 5937 S Avalon Bl; https://bit.ly/3ptEy6e; Florence; KNOCKDOWN: The first fire companies on scene (62 firefighters) achieved a knockdown of the blaze in 20 minutes. Their quick work contained the fire to one unit on the 2nd floor, preventing it from extending into the attic, successfully defending the rest of the building. A primary and secondary search was clear and there are no injuries reported. Firefighters will remain on scene conducting overhaul and salvage operations. Cause and $ is TBD.; FS 33; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 9; BC1 BC11 BC13 BC18 BC4 CM22 E10 E14 E203 E21 E210 E221 E233 E266 E3 E33 E66 EA1 EM1 EM11 EM13 HR3 RA14 RA21 RA33 RA803 RA833 SQ21 T10 T21 T3 T33 T66 UR3 UR88; CH9; 12 13; Margaret Stewart
