Update Structure Fire 01/17/2017

Update Structure Fire; 05:53PM; 3701 E Union Pacific Av; internal:/; Boyle Heights; KNOCKDOWN: Over 140 FF in 49 mins. The firefight was contained to the 2nd story of an approximately 1000' x 3000' commercial structure, housing heavy baled goods on the 1st floor and primarily offices on the 2nd floor. Firefighter faces at least four offices fully involved in fire and their aggressive, offensive interior attack coordinated with a roof ventilation operation prevented the fire from spreading. MEDIA STAGING: Calzona and Union Pacific, next to the incident command post. No injuries reported. NFD; FS 25; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; Complete list of assigned units :E25 RA25 E17 E209 RA809 E210 T10 E221 T21 BC1 BC11 T9 E21 E233 T33 CM22 EM11 BC13 UR88 HR56 E5 UR5 T89 E289 BC5 RA14 E9 T5 E205 RA5 E26 AR1 E202 T2 E10 E27 E227 T27 E201 T1 RA47 RA6 EM13 EM9 BC2 BC18 BC14 SQ21 UR27 RM2 RM4 E4 PH1 EA1 E12 E2 E211 T11 E215 T15 ; Margaret Stewart
