Update Sinking Boat STABILIZED 10/14/2019 INC#0604

Update STABILIZED Sinking Boat; INC#0604; 01:10PM; Berth 204 Spd; http://bit.ly/2IMLM2I; San Pedro; LAFD responded to a 65-foot private vessel at a dock in San Pedro. The caretaker of the boat had been alerted to a compromised hull that was allowing water into the vessel faster than any on board pumps could evacuate it. Firefighters worked with LAFD's own boat pilots, boat mates, and divers to identify the breach and deploy several siphon ejectors to counteract the incoming water and evacuate it to keep the vessel from tipping/sinking. LAFD personnel arrived just minutes before the sinking point and stabilized the vessel. The vessel is currently stabilized at the dock, remains in the water, and LAFD will be clearing the scene shortly; FS 49; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC6 BT1 BT3 BT4 BT5 E112 E238 E38 T38; CH7; 12; -Nicholas Prange
