Update Rubbish Fire 04/21/2020 INC#0611

Update Rubbish Fire; INC#0611; 01:50PM; 1537 S Evergreen Av; https://bit.ly/2yzkDOm; Boyle Heights; Approx 100 x 100 portion of a metal recycling yard on fire. The original fire engine is now on scene with three additional task forces, LAFD heavy equipment operators, and an LAFD HazMat Squad (to monitor waste runoff). Multiple large hand lines are sending a deluge of water into the yard and ladder pipe operations are being set up. This is expected to be an extended operation; FS 17; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 E17 E2 E202 E203 E25 HE1 RA2 T2 T3; CH9; 12; -Nicholas Prange
