Update Rescue 12/27/2020 INC#1254

Update Rescue; INC#1254; 06:15PM; 22820 W Santa Susana Pass Rd; https://bit.ly/34ODrGH; Chatsworth; LAFD rescue helicopters and ground responders have been joined by Ventura County FD responders, and are now working together to free two persons with what are believed to be non-life threatening injuries, trapped in a vehicle an unspecified distance over-the-side.; FS 96; Batt 15; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; AO1 BC10 BC15 E106 E107 E288 E296 E88 EM15 EM9 H2 H4 HA2 HA4 HR3 RA18 RA88 RH114 T88 T96 UR88; CH8; 18; Brian Humphrey
