Update Rescue 03/30/2019 INC#0829

Update Rescue; INC#0829; 02:42PM; 5450 W Hollywood Bl; http://bit.ly/2UjSOTv; East Hollywood; Adult male was discovered by LAPD on tracks at Hollywood/Western Metro Red Line station. In good condition with unspecified injury (unclear if indeed struck by or ever beneath subway train), he was readily assisted from track level by LAFD personnel, conscious and verbal with (yet substantiated) personal claim he had fallen from platform; LAFD Paramedics will transport him to an area hospital for further evaluation; Transit Riders: follow @MetroLAAlerts on Twitter for details on Metro Red Line service restoration; Media Inquiries: LAPD Transit Services Incident 2715 and Metro; FS 82; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC11 BC14 E203 E226 E261 E29 E52 E56 E6 EM11 HR3 RA52 SQ21 T26 T3 T61; - Brian Humphrey
