Update Physical Rescue 05/05/2024 INC#1342

Update Physical Rescue; INC#1342; 07:30PM; 4738 W Venice Bl; https://bit.ly/3wuTFFZ; #MidCity; Firefighters extricated one person from a two-vehicle collision, using hydraulic rescue tools. There were a total of 6 patients, and 5 were treated and transported to area hospitals by LAFD. The following are the age/gender/condition of the transported patients: 51F and 62F - critical, 51M - serious, 40F and 13F - moderate. One 46M declined transport, with only minor injuries. Additional circumstances unknown. Nothing further.; FS 68; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 10; BC18 E226 E26 E261 E61 E68 EM11 EM5 EM9 HR3 RA26 RA29 RA34 RA61 RA62 RA829 RA858 RA861 T26 T61; CH7; 12; Nicholas Prange
