Update Multi-Patient Traffic Collision with Entrapment 02/25/2024 INC#0684

Update Multi-Patient Traffic Collision with Entrapment; INC#0684; 12:40PM; 18153 W Vanowen St; https://bit.ly/3wBrRiS; #Reseda; Firefighters responded to a traffic collision involving at least 4 vehicles (plus 2 additional parked vehicles impacted) and a sheared hydrant. Upon arrival, firefighters found that one trapped patient was deceased (left in place for law enforcement investigation and medical examiner), and two others were in need of extrication. Crews used hydraulic rescue tools (similar to "Jaws of Life") to free both trapped patients from one vehicle. An additional 8 patients were involved, but not trapped. Firefighter-Paramedics evaluated a total of 11 patients (including the deceased). Six patients were transported to area hospitals, and four declined transport by LAFD ambulance. Firefighters successfully shut down the hydrant after extricating the trapped patients. LAPD Inc #2049. Nothing further; FS 100; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; BC10 E100 E103 E239 E273 E293 E73 EM14 HR3 RA39 RA70 RA73 RA83 RA872 RA889 RA903 RA93 T39 T73 T93 UR88; CH8; 17; Nicholas Prange
