Update Multi-Patient Medical 05/01/2023 INC#0728

Update Multi-Patient Medical; INC#0728; 12:20PM; 4066 Johnnie Cochran Vista; https://bit.ly/3njw5HU; #ArlingtonHeights; Three "school age" children (unconfirmed ages/genders or site affiliation) at Johnnie L. Cochran Jr. Middle School, were initially reported as having altered levels of consciousness following their possible exposure to or ingestion of a still unidentified substance. Following treatment by school staff and LAFD Paramedics, all three have been transported to an area hospital by ambulance, where they arrived conscious and breathing in minor to moderate medical distress. LAFD responders discovered no specific on-site hazard, and none of the many others on campus presented with any manner of medical complaint. Media Inquiries: LAUSD, LA School Police, LAPD Wilshire Division (Incident #1820 *and/or* #1920).; FS 26; Batt 11; Central Bureau; Council District 10; BC11 E20 EM11 EM18 JT2 JT4 RA29 RA61 RA68 RA826 RA94; CH4; 13; Brian Humphrey
