Update Major Emergency Structure Fire MEDIA AVAILABILITY #CanogaFIre 10/19/2021 INC#0791

Update MEDIA AVAILABILITY #CanogaFIre Major Emergency Structure Fire; INC#0791; 08:30AM; 8423 and 8425 N Canoga Av; https://bit.ly/30U5ZKy; Canoga Park; LAFD Public Information Officer (PIO) Captain Erik Scott will be available at 9:30 AM today at the scene of yesterday's major emergency fire to update the media on incident actions, the status of the three civilians who were severely burned, and the status of the ongoing investigation into the cause of the fire.; FS 104; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District outside city; Dispatched LAFD Units: AR1 AR12 AR15 AR21 BC10 BC12 BC15 BC17 BC5 CE83 CM41 CM42 E100 E103 E104 E105 E106 E107 E18 E227 E250 E273 E275 E278 E28 E288 E290 E293 E296 E298 E305 E72 E8 E83 E84 E87 E88 E93 EA1 EM12 EM15 EM17 EM18 HE1 HL7 HR3 JT2 JT3 LD1 LD2 PI1 PI2 RA105 RA106 RA72 RA73 RA84 RA896 RA93 RA96 RM2 RM3 RS3 SQ21 SQ87 T105 T27 T50 T73 T75 T78 T87 T88 T90 T93 T96 T98 UA1 UR27 UR88; CH8; 12 13 17 18; Brian Humphrey
