Update Major Emergency Structure Fire 08/30/2023 INC#0282

Update Major Emergency Structure Fire; INC#0282; 09:30AM; 1131 S Los Angeles St; https://bit.ly/44wQWXL; #DowntownLA; The building shares walls on either side with other businesses in a row of commercials. Firefighters have successfully protected the occupancies on either side, containing the blaze to the unit-of-origin. The heavy load of textiles (clothes/fabrics) still contain deep seated hot spots, which will flare up as the debris is pulled apart within the building, which sustained a roof collapse and walls buckling. This will be an extended operation that will rely heavily on LAFD Heavy Equipment Operators to strategically disassemble the rubble, while hose lines are standing by.; FS 10; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; AR1 AR10 AR11 AR21 AR39 AR7 BC1 BC11 BC5 CM20 CM21 CM22 E10 E11 E14 E17 E20 E202 E203 E209 E21 E210 E211 E215 E226 E227 E229 E261 E266 E285 E3 E37 E5 E85 E9 E95 EA1 EM1 HE1 HR3 PI4 RA10 RA27 RA810 RA827 RA85 RA9 RS3 SO1 SQ21 T10 T11 T15 T2 T26 T27 T29 T3 T61 T66 T85 T9 UR27 UR85 UR88; CH7; 13 14; Nicholas Prange
