Update Jumper 11/23/2018 INC#0970

Update Jumper; INC#0970; 10:08PM; Eb Vincent Thomas Bridge Fy; http://bit.ly/2DHSzZF; San Pedro; Adult male patient is now safely in police custody and LAFD resources being released;Patient will be evaluated by paramedics;ALL QUESTIONS = Port Police as Incident Command; FS 36; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; AR12 BC13 BC6 BT1 BT2 BT3 BT5 CM22 CM32 E10 E112 E210 E248 E285 E295 E36 E40 E49 E64 E85 EM13 RA101 RA112 RA36 RA85 T10 T48 T85 T95 TM7 UR85; CH7; 13; Margaret Stewart
